Bloomsburg University
Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences
Biological Honor Society
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President: Chase Kelch
Vice President: Valarie van Cleef
Faculty Advisor: Dr. George Chamuris
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Membership Application
30 March 2006 Initiation Ceremony.
UI=undergraduate initiate; GI=graduate initiate; E=existing member
Christopher Kashi (UI), Jennifer Intelicato-Young (GI), Ashley Welikonich (UI),
Laura Halon (UI), Valarie van Cleef (E, Vice President), Chase Kelch (E,
President), Jessica Teders (UI), Trinity Stempko (UI)
What is Beta Beta Beta?
Beta Beta Beta formally defines itself as "an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences." Its time of birth (1922) accounts for both its Greek letter name and its original emphasis on a role as an "honorary" society. However, it has never been a secret society and from its beginning many of its activities have been those of a professional society. Since it is a society of and for students, particularly for undergraduate majors in a biological science, it is not inaccurate to describe it as a professional society for apprentice biologists.
The functions of Beta Beta Beta as a national organization range from publication of the national journal, BIOS, to recognition of outstanding individual and chapter accomplishment. For the individual Tri Betan the local chapter is the heart of Beta Beta Beta. A Tri Beta chapter offers to its members activities and experiences that can greatly enrich and add to the variety of experiences for all of the students.
Regular membership is based on academic achievement in biology and is in that sense honorary, but every major in a biological science and many interested students who are not actually majors can qualify for associate membership.
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society is a society for students, particularly for undergraduates. It seeks to encourage scholarly attainment in this field of learning by reserving its regular membership for those who achieve superior academic records and who indicate special aptitude for and major interest in the life sciences. It desires to cultivate intellectual interest in the natural sciences and to promote a better appreciation of the value of biological study and thus welcomes into associate membership all those students who are interested in biology. Beta Beta Beta also endeavors to extend the boundaries of our knowledge of nature by encouraging new discoveries through scientific investigation and to this end encourages undergraduate students to begin research work and report their findings in the journal of the society, BIOS. It emphasizes, therefore, a three-fold program:
- stimulation of scholarship
- dissemination of scientific knowledge, and
- promotion of biological research.
Last updated on 4 April 2006.