Russian and East European Studies Program

Languages and Cultures

BU's Russian and East European Studies (REES) program prepares students for variety of career choices in education, international relations, global business, government, as well as entry into graduate school.

The program was established in 2013 and, currently, it offers both minor (18 credits) and major (33 credits) within three concentration areas: Humanities, Business, and Social Sciences. In addition to Russian language courses taught at elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels, we encourage students to learn other East European languages. Participating departments include Anthropology; Educational Studies and Secondary Education; Environmental, Geographical and Geological Sciences; Economics; History; Languages and Cultures; and Political Sciences.

The faculty members are strong academics who have years of teaching experience in foreign languages. In addition, the faculty are active researchers who regularly participate in state, national, and international conferences and study projects. Through Russian and East European Studies, you will

  • discover the gateway to global understanding
  • increase employment opportunities in a global economy
  • write and communicate better in your native language
  • sharpen cognitive functions and enhance life skills
  • improve chances of entry in graduate school
  • appreciate international literature, music, and film
  • make travel more feasible and enjoyable
  • be able to study abroad in non-English-speaking countries
  • deepen your understanding of yourself and your own culture


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