2010 Fall I Rec Champions "Wumbo"
Registration Info:
Sign up your team by registering with IMleagues.
Click "Here" for directions on how to register.
Co-Ed leagues will be available
Competitive and Recreational leagues will be available
Select the days (Mon/Wed/Sun or Tue/Thur/Sun) you want to play each week. Games may also be played on Sunday's depending on the number of teams that register.
Game times are between 5:00-10:00pm. Scheduled on the hour for an hour.
MANDATORY Captain's Quiz. The League/Captain meeting has been substituted with a Captain's Quiz that all captain's must pass during the registration process.
$20 forfeit fee must be paid during the specific time period that is designated (January 27th between 1-5pm in the Intramural Office) to be officially registered to play. NO FEE, NO PLAY.
League Info:
6 v. 6. CoEd teams consist of no more than three (3) men and no less than three (3) women alternating in the rotation on the court. Coed teams may also start with 4 or 5 players: defined as 2 of each gender for 4 players OR 3 female & 2 males for 5 players. Any additional players to bring the team up to 6 can join a game in progress. There must be at least 3 women on the court at all times, no matter the number of players.
7-8 games played over 4 weeks. Single elimination playoff will follow regular season. Number of games may change depending on the number of teams registered.
Play begins October 19, 2015 for the Fall Season,
February 1, 2016for Spring I Season and
March 28, 2016 for the Spring II Season.
All games will be played at the SRC.
Description of Divisions:
Division A (Competitive)
Some of our sports will differentiate between competitive and recreational leagues. The Competitive league is designed for teams whose primary objective is to win games. This is a highly competitive league designed specifically for those who have previous experience playing the sport competitively. Players in this league generally have played high school varsity sports and remain active in that sport and their intramural teams may even hold practices. These teams have frequently qualified for and advanced past the first round of the playoffs. Individuals and teams in this division are very competitive and the skill level of participation ranges from intermediate to advanced. Teams in this league that qualify for the single elimination tournament will have an opportunity to with an Intramural Champion T-shirt and may advance onto state or national tournaments. NOTE: Club Sport members must participate in this division.
Division B (Recreational)
Some of our sports will differentiate between competitive and recreational leagues. The Recreational league is designed for teams whose primary objective is to enjoy intramural sports and to have fun. This league is less competitive than the A Division. This league is designed for those who understand the game but do not have the experience and skill of an advanced player. Most players on these teams have not played at the varsity level and may be slightly active in the sport. Individuals and teams entered in this division are recreationally oriented. Skill level of participants ranges from beginner to intermediate, along with some more advanced players. Most teams that have never played together before or are first-time participants are better suited to play in the recreational league. If there is a question as to whether or not your team is competitive or recreational, you are likely a recreational caliber team. The recreational league will have the same regular season as other leagues, along with a separate single elimination tournament, where the winners will receive an Intramural Champion T-shirt.
*Intramural Sports reserves the right to deny entrance to the recreational league tournament to any recreational league team that, in the opinion of the intramural sports staff, should not be participating in the recreational league due to a competitive advantage of talent. A team's record will not be the only factor considered, meaning there is no incentive for a team to purposefully lose games to avoid detection.
Team/Player Info:
Club sport members are eligible for competition, but are limited to the amount of players per team, per sport.
CLUB Volleyball Players: Team club members are limited in IM volleyball to 3 on the court at a time. If there are 3 members there MUST be at least one female and one male (i.e. 2 males and 1 female or 2 females and 1 male). If there are 2 members they can be of the same gender. A club sport member is any individual participating in club sport contests, attending regular practice, or whose name appears on the official squad list. Once considered a club sport member, you are one for the entire school year unless you have been dropped from the squad list and are no longer playing or practicing with the team.
All club members must be identified, before the start of the game. Teams violating eligibility rules will be ineligible for playoffs.
Any full time undergraduate or graduate BU student/faculty/staff with access or membership to the SRC are eligible to play.
All players must bring their BU ID to play every week. NO CARD, NO PLAY.
IM Rules:
Check out the IM General Rules
Check out Volleyball Rules